American/International/National/UKC CH Wencinja's Out of the Kwestion AOM CGC CD RN ATD WPD WTD WWPD AAAM "Kwin"
As an 12 week old pup, Kwin took to his little harness and pack like he'd been wearing them all his life. At 5 months I hooked Kwin up with my team for the first time. The second he felt the tug on his harness the lightbulb turned on, and pulling has been his main objective in life ever since. Kwin has enormous working drive, and just never stops. Kwin earned his Working Team Dog Title and completed his Working Weight Pull Dog title during the 2007/2008 working season. He has legs towards his Working Weight Pull Dog Excellent and his Working Pack Dog titles.
Conserving energy Mellowmute style :-)
Uncle Kwest teaching Kwin the ropes
First solo scooter run
First Hike
First Snow
First time ever running with the team
Puppy love - Kwin and sister Alex
But I want to goooooo!!!!!
Running with Elle the Seppala
Carrying a heavy pack is hard work
Happy Easter!
Pulling 600 lbs and making it look easy :-)
Kwin earned his WWPD title
May 10, 2008
2008-2009 working season
One very happy working boy who was delighted to come back from the national and finally be able to roll in the mud :-P
Are we going to go now?
PLEEEEESE can we go?
I said lets GOOOOO!
Well then I'll MAKE us go
And when that doesn't work I'll just stand here making funny faces at you
Scootering on the beach in Washington before the National
A HUGE thank you to Mary Swinyer for all these wonderful shots of Kwin and I at the National events
Weight Pulling
Kwin placed third in his very competative class at the National and more important we had a lot of fun!
OK, not technically working but here's Kwin and I in the Working Dog Showcase at the National
On the way home from the National we stopped off in Oregon for one final chance to play before heading home
As usual we spent all winter running the team out in the deserts of SoCal
Even out in the middle of the desert we get to play in the cold white stuff once in a while
Newsflash!! October 2009
Kwin earned his first leg towards his UKC weightpull title
Newsflash!! July 2009
Kwin earned his first WWPDX leg pulling 1539 lbs
Newsflash!! December 2009 & January 2010
Kwin earned the first two legs towards his WLD title, running single lead in front of 11 dog teams.
Newsflash!! July 2010, at the SCAMC specialty weightpull Kwin won high weight pulled and high combined